Miss the PACA 2012 International Conference?

For those of us who missed the Chicago based conference in October, do not fret! You can peruse the sessions at your leisure with your morning coffee for a small fee  thanks to PACA and ReeldealHD:


A wide range of relevant topics with industry leaders include two  Buyer’s Panel Discussions, Industry Forecasting, Keynotes on Educational Publishing and Industry Forecasting.

Many thanks to PACA  for making these available!

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  • Please let me know what the fee will be to download the PACA conference video.

    Thank you

    • admin says:

      If you click through to an individual video, you will see the price options, which are $24.95 per video or $174.95 to access all ten. Each video is about 1 hour long. (To put these prices into context, delegates paid between $595 and $945 to attend the two-day conference.)